Concord, NH

K’s Cell 603-315-0721

March 19, 2010



Present:   Holly Vieten, Annette Blake, Mitch Taranow, Charles Langille, Alicia Langille, Kim Lavoie, Robin Hogan, Lynn Merlone, Annette Belanger, Kathryn Sheridan,Celia Slasson, Beth Harrington



1.       Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at  4:40 by Kathryn Sheridan

2.       Approval of Agenda

Kim made a motion to approve the agenda and Annette Blake seconded, motion carries


3.  Reminder of ASCA Policy Governance


      A.  Principles of Policy Governance

·         Allows people to do what they do best

·         Determines what will be accomplished; committees, appointed offices, volunteers, and members are empowered to determine how the goal will be met


    B.  Board members’ roles

·         Speak with one vision - one voice

·         Support the continuous improvement of NHSCA

·         Advocate for our profession and our association


     C.  Ground rules for meetings

·         Stay open to input and new ideas; be willing to change your position

·         Base decisions on relevant data, the goals of the organization, and our strategic plan


4.  Secretary’s Report:  Kim Lavoie motioned to accept the January minutes with corrections and emailed to members , Charles seconded


5.   Treasurer’s Report:  Annette Blake presented the treasurer’s report .  Budget was reviewed for 2009-2010. The Fall 2009conference budget was discussed.  Mitch moved to accept the report as presented and Holly seconded, motion carried.


6    Past-President’s Report

·         Insurance

Kim has a new faxed policy

·         APPI

Kim, Lynn, and Kathryn reported that the institute was informative.  They were able to visit  NH representatives ( Hodes, Shaheen, and Shea-Porter and found them very supportive of the NHSCA .  Federal monies were discussed with each office.   NCLB was discussed and that a growth model was brought forth.  National Standards were also discussed.  Financial Aid and the NHHEAF mission  were a point of discussion.  Aides were very well informed about financial issues facing college students in NH.  ARRA funds have been targeted for education -$130 billion. 


7.   President’s Report

No report today from Kathryn Sheridan


8.  VP Reports

·         Elementary

No report

Lynn posted on NHSCA Scene about APPI

·         Middle School

No report

Charles encouraged use of NHSCA Scene postings

·         High School

·         Post Secondary (cannot attend)



9.  Regional Chair Updates (Newly designed and approved by NHSCA)

·         Greater Monadnock

Alicia Langille reported the minutes from “Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Intervention” workshop.  The spring meeting will be presented by Lynn Merlone and Dolores Moran on “self-advocacy skills for students in special education”/Transitionworks.  Alicia will keep the membership updated through email. 

·         White Mountains

No report

·         Lakes Region

·         Capital Region

·         Merrimack

·         Dartmouth/Sunapee

·         Seacoast

·         Southwestern

·         Greater North Woods


10.  Committee Chair Updates

·         Nominations and Elections J

Motion was made to appoint Robin Hogan as Secretary for the remainder of the year.  Lynn Merlone motioned and Mitch Taranow seconded.

Motion to appoint Holly Vieten as President Elect made by Lynn Merlone and seconded by Mitch Taranow.  Motioned carried.  Lynn has agreed to go on to the ballot for next year for President Elect.  By –Laws Committee add Lynn Merlone

Celia has agreed to go onto the ballot for next year as Elementary VP.  Charles L. has agreed to go onto the ballot for High School VP.  Robin Hogan agreed for next year ballot.

·         Professional Recognition

3 recipients have been  chosen

Barbara  Belak  from Mount Vernon  Elementary

Robert Mayhew from   Hampstead  Middle School

Catherine Bond from Prospect Mountain High School

Edies invitation was made by Holly V. for June 12, 2010 in Manchester Radisson

·         Scholarship

Recipient was invited to the May meeting.  Board discussed the lack of applicants for this scholarship. 

·         Student Intern Liaison

No report or intern

·         Public Relations

Annette Belanger posted three ads in the major newspapers for School Counselor Week .  A Borders gift card was awarded to a member in each region.  Annette has been updating the online calendar with NHSCA events.


Professional Development

Beth reported that the website has a separate PD calendar.  Confusion exists about using the website and calendars available to members.  New webpage links were explored by Annette and Mitch.  NHSCA events will appear on the website, other PD opportunities will be available through the NHSCA scene. 

·         Research

No committee this year

·         Ethics (cannot attend)

·         Technology

Mitch reported that things are running smoothly with the website.  New memberships online is a new feature to explore.  Mitch needs current billing monthly from Dino to state his price and we will pursue the new features.  Coordination of online membership needs to be established first.  Kim suggested organizing a subcommittee  .

The NHSCA scene subscribers have been culled and new invitations will be made at the Fall Conference.  Forums and subgroups were explained by Mitch and member participation was explored.  The main page has been refined by Annette Belanger working in collaboration with Dino Quimby ( tech support).  The membership fee was weighed against the website accessibility.  A counter will be placed on the home page for usage.

·         Newsletter

Kathryn reported that we did OK in the last newsletter.  Maybe themes will be easier for next year.  We have another newsletter deadline for April 1, 2010.  Kathryn will send a reminder note.  May 15, 2010 will be the final deadline for the last newsletter.    Number of newsletters per year will voted on at Fall Conference with members present.  By laws committee needs to be organized to revise this year.  By laws committee members :  Holly Vieten, Kim Lavoie, Charles Langille, Annette Belanger. 

·         Membership

No report

·         Advocacy

Kim reported about School Climate Grant from APPI.  She will investigate this with Molly from Main Street Academics.  More outreach to state reps and a letter to the Governor. 

·         Administrative Liaison (cannot attend)

No report


Fall Conference

Reports by Holly Vieten, Chair shared the descriptions of two sessions that are considered for the Fall Conference.  Peg Dawson and Richard Guare  are presenting “Executive Function at Home and at School” and Penelope Simpson and Anne Black presenting the “Art of Healing Childhood Grief”. The board decided that “Executive Function…” will be the topic.  Resources will be available from NHSCA.  The tentative date is November 5th, 2010 (Friday)..The location will be  decided upon by the committee at the next meeting.


11.  Replacing Services provided by Mary Anne Seney


Mary Ann Seney has resigned and Kathryn sent a letter to her and they have been corresponding.  A job description was outlined by Mary Ann and presented to the Board .  Kim proposed a smaller group process to investigate the list of services provided by Mary Ann in the past.  Holly proposed a more rapid response to the replacement of Mary Ann and/or her services.  The board members explored parceling out her various jobs to contracts we already have or identifying how other agencies offer these services.  Local services could be tapped.  References were sought out from Mary Ann by email.  Advertising by word of mouth  for a one year position was discussed.  Pay rate was questioned.  Annette Blake will email Mary Ann and ask about pay rate.  Interviewing and hiring an independent contract was explained.   We need a timeline for each task so that we could develop a salary for this contract.  Kathryn will contact Alphagraphics for a quote and price for the newsletter/directory.  Holly was concerned about who would do the other jobs.  Do we need an Administrative Assistant to the Board?  Annette Blake will find out from Mary Ann.  Mitch will review what tasks can be accomplished by the current technology in place.




12.  Strategic Plan

Kathryn presented the list of ideas from the January 2010 meeting.  The plan was tabled due to time.  Send Kathryn a list of priorities under each list ( top 3)from the documents.  Kathryn will collate the majority of feedback and send back to the board members.  Deadline in 2 weeks


12.   New Business

·         As presented by Board members

ASCA conference was discussed for Boston, MA. 


May 21,2010 meeting is planned for 4pm, thend dinner at 5:30pm.  Robin will talk with Kim Seaman.



14.  Adjournment

Motion to at 6:58pm  by Mitch seconded by Beth.